E.G. White Sabbath School Notes
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Since 2010, Carla Morris has been on a remarkable mission, dedicated to bringing the profound teachings of the Spirit of Prophecy to life through the power of audio.

Daily Devotionals
Ellen White knew the Shepherd. She has nourished the spirit of millions with her deeply spiritual messages. Emphasizing a different theme each month, this fresh compilation from her pen calls us into a deeper fellowship with God and equips us for the journey. Each daily reading is a moment with the Master—another step in an ever-sweeter journey with Jesus.

42 minutes ago

44 minutes ago

45 minutes ago

Welcome to E.G. White Audio:
A Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment
Since 2010, Carla Morris has been on a remarkable mission, dedicated to bringing the profound teachings of the Spirit of Prophecy to life through the power of audio. With unwavering commitment, Carla has transformed Sabbath School Notes and other Spirit of Prophecy writings into captivating audio experiences, all without ever publicly seeking financial support for her labor of love.
Now, after 14 years of quietly enriching countless lives, we invite you to be a part of our journey. Your support can help us expand this ministry, reaching even more souls with the timeless wisdom of E.G. White. Join us in our quest to make spiritual enlightenment accessible to all. Together, we can inspire, uplift, and illuminate hearts around the world.